29 December 2008

One Reason School Can Be Bad

One reason school can be bad is because you cram loads of information into your head which you have no intention of ever remembering.

The greatest of all my triumphs in school has been passing the dreaded biology with an A. How I did it I will never know. The funny thing is...I remember nothing. I was just going through my old quizzes and found an answer I recorded on a quiz from memory. Just listen to this,
"The T&T complex serves to cover the actin filament inhibiting the myosin head from attaching and contracting. When a nerve impulse hits the synapse on a muscle, Acetycholine distributes over the plasma membrane which causes an action potential that spreads through the T-tubles. When the T-tbules depolarize Ca is released by the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the cytoplasm. Ca attaches to the troponin complex and displaces tropomyosin allowing the myosin head to attach to actin and contract."
Um...excuse me?

I pray to God I remember my theology better than that answer which I have utterly forgotten!

What is an actin filament?

Soli Deo Gloria,

R. D. Thompson


annat said...

ok now i'm scared. i was worried before about taking biology, but now it's all comfirmed, i'm going to fail for sure... especially since the last time i took biology was 6 years ago in another language

R.D. Thompson said...


It really wasn't so bad Anna.

I set my mind to it, got a tutor (nothing makes sense until someone explains that the endoplasmic reticulum has made it's squiggly journey in the cell highway on it's way to the nucleus shopping center), and just pressed through.

Really, it isn't so very hard. I had never taken biology EVER much less 6 years ago when I took it. I barely knew what a CELL was much less an actin filament...come to think of it I'm still not sure what an actin filament is but it sure sounded good in my quiz answer!

Michael Spotts: . said...

Wow. Reminds me why I have resisted higher formal education.

Andrew said...

I totally loved that class. I actually could answer that question because I GOT how the myosin complex works. But yeah, I have forgotten that whole class and I took it LAST SEMESTER. Heh.