28 March 2008

The 10 Books That Changed How I View My God, Myself, and My Hope

Over the next few weeks I will be saying a thing or two on these books and why they have been the most affective books in my aged 22 years.

This is the order in which I read them (or read in them),

1. Jonathan Edwards on Knowing Christ
2. God is the Gospel - John Piper
3. Hebrews: The Epistle of Warning - John Owen
4. Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography - Iain Murray
5. Brothers We Are Not Professionals - John Piper
6. God Transcendent - J. Gresham Machen
7. Evangelicalism Divided - Iain Murray
8. Trilogy - Francis Schaeffer
9. Understanding End Times Prophecy - Paul N. Benware
10. Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood - Eds. John Piper and Wayne Grudem

Obviously, I'm only 22 so this list will change over the next lifetime...praise the Lord!