19 April 2009

More Murray

Well...Murray is like the rest of his generation in splitting the OT and the NT just a little too sharply. However, that doesn't degrade the greatness of the next quote,
"Someone may be tempted to think that these are theological mysteries too deep for the ordinary Christian, and not needful for our Christian faith and life. And they are inclined to ask [sic], of what importance it can be to a simple believer to know all this?

My brother think not thus.

It is all important that we know the glory of Jesus.

The more the soul is filled with that glory, and worships Him in it, the more it will see with what confidence it can count upon Him to do a divine and supernatural work in us, and to lead us to an actual living fellowship with God as our Father. Oh, let us not be so selfish and mean as to be content with the hope that Jesus saves us, while we are careless of having intimate personal acquaintance with Him. If not for our sake, then for God's sake, for the sake of His infinite love and grace, let us seek to know aright this blessed Son whom the Father has given us. Let us turn away from earth, let us meditate and gaze and worship, until He, who is the outshining of the divine glory, shines into our very heart, and He, to whom the Father hath given such a place as the Creator and Upholder and Heir of all, take that place with us too, and be to us the beginning and the centre and the end of all." (Emphases mine).
That is what I have been saying to lazy Christians for three years now. We desperately need to know Jesus Christ and that knowing will not come through over-emotionalized (mind you don't misunderstand me, our emotions must be involved in our faith) sappy, contentless verbalizations about a Jesus who is someone less than God and was only interested in healing social ills. Theology is a study that all Christians must engage in and, dare I say, do engage in right now. It is not just for the scholars: it is for everyone. What is more is that everyone is a theologian but what it boils down to is whether or not you're a good theologian.

Theology linked with delight and warm faith in God through the substitutionary mediating work of Christ will lead to a deeper relationship with God. Do not skip out on growing your brain in the knowledge of God.

Let us study tirelessly friends,

R. D. Thompson

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