21 April 2009

More Andrew Murray on Hebrews

Murray continues to delight me in this commentary on Hebrews. There are definitely places where his reading of the OT and NT are a little too "Reformed" for me (Replacement Theology and so on) but on the whole this commentary is a gem. This quote caught me,
"Christ seated on the throne in heaven means our being actually brought, in the supernatural power which the coming of the Holy Spirit supplies, into God's holy presence, and living there our daily life. It was because the Hebrews did not know this, because they had rested content with elementary truths about faith and conversion, and then the life in heaven after death, that they had so signally failed. Truly to know Jesus at the right hand of God would be the healing of their diseases, the restoration to the joy and strength of a life in accordance with their heavenly calling."
Great stuff.

Let Us Know, Let Us Press on to Know Christ,

R. D. Thompson


  1. This is quite the gem! And only 1/200th of your score! How big is the commentary?

  2. Mmmm...250 probably?

    Amazing book for .50 :-)

  3. yurts? We haven't built one yet. Lord willing, someday. They definitely are easier than a conventional house!
