07 November 2008

The Best Lead Line Ever

Do you have a favorite lead line? You know, the opening line that simply forces you to keep reading? Mine is from "The God Who is There"
"The present chasm between the generations has been brought about almost entirely by a change in the concept of truth."


  1. 1. Your blog name is great--a mouthful--but it made me smile.
    2. I saw your blog on 22 words, so I read it, not a creeper.
    3. Favorite lead line: "In the beginning was the word"...

  2. Jimmy,

    I must be less spiritual for that not having come to my mind :)

    Thanks for dropping by.

    You bet its a mouthful! I have a hard time with all the labels sometimes and only really like SOME of what some guys say so...


  3. lol...you gotta wonder how long he musta spent wracking his brain over that one. So simple. So perfect.

  4. It was inevitable: the scent of bitter almonds always reminded him of the fate of unrequited love.

  5. mmmm...Cyanide...tasty

    what book does that come from Ben?

  6. ha good call. i didn't even realize it was about cyanide when i first read that.

    it's from Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "Love in the Time of Cholera," the most romantic novel ever written (in my semi-informed opinion).
