28 March 2008

The 10 Books That Changed How I View My God, Myself, and My Hope

Over the next few weeks I will be saying a thing or two on these books and why they have been the most affective books in my aged 22 years.

This is the order in which I read them (or read in them),

1. Jonathan Edwards on Knowing Christ
2. God is the Gospel - John Piper
3. Hebrews: The Epistle of Warning - John Owen
4. Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography - Iain Murray
5. Brothers We Are Not Professionals - John Piper
6. God Transcendent - J. Gresham Machen
7. Evangelicalism Divided - Iain Murray
8. Trilogy - Francis Schaeffer
9. Understanding End Times Prophecy - Paul N. Benware
10. Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood - Eds. John Piper and Wayne Grudem

Obviously, I'm only 22 so this list will change over the next lifetime...praise the Lord!


  1. I've added all of these to my paperback swap wishlist! Some of them I've wanted to read for quite a while.

    And, as I recall, I've never taken a photo of books with a desaturated background. And if I did, it wasn't nearly as cool as this one.

  2. woops...left the comment in the wrong name. Doh.
