12 December 2008

William Saletan - Embryo Freezing is Immoral!

I recently discovered William Saletan of Slate.com via R. Albert Mohler Jr. I recommend reading some of his articles, they're brilliant and a much needed voice in the world of popular liberal thought.

While cultural commentary is not particularly my forte, today's article bears mentioning.

Speaking of IVF and the "problem" couple's face when it comes to allowing it to be adopted, or really when it comes to do SOMETHING with it, Saletan shows that the reason the couple has a "crisis" is because they never thought through what to do with the embryo afterward.

This shows a massive disdain, a serious overlooking of the consequences of creating a human life.
"The patients and doctors are preoccupied with making a baby. If you get one, congratulations. Anything extra is an afterthought."
Of course, as Christians we know this attitude is corrupt (I know nothing of the status of Saletan's soul so I refer primarily to myself and the main readership of this blog).

"We treat the leftovers as raw material, available to be used or thrown away. But they aren't raw material. Eggs and sperm are raw material. Embryos are what we make with that material. They're us."
It is disgusting to me that this argument even has to be made over and over again. Of course this is the way life works but no one even thinks about it anymore. On the side with abortion you have women (and men!) who want to have sex and never be held responsible for anything and then here you have people who are obssessed with simply making a baby but care little what happens once it's made, or at least don't think about what to do once it's made. They refuse to be held responsible.

The article is stimulating no doubt. Give it a good look.

Loving the unborn to the glory of God,

R. D. Thompson

10 December 2008


Why on earth does Reuters think this is news? Moreover, why is it number six in popularity for news of the day right to next to economic crisis and Greek rioting?

Do be careful when you kiss,
"While kissing is normally very safe, doctors advise people to proceed with caution."
Thanks for the news Reuters. I think a hearty LOL is appropriate here.


R. D. Thompson

07 December 2008

Advent Songs Free CD...Incredible

This stuff rocks. Not your standard Christmas arrangements.

I only paid a dollar...I'd pay more if I could. This album is seriously incredible.